2010-09-06 18:09:38
Focusbox broken
In ATutor 2.0, standard theme, the focusbox effect does not show in student view. The focusbox does only show when editing.
2010-09-06 18:09:38
In ATutor 2.0, standard theme, the focusbox effect does not show in student view. The focusbox does only show when editing.
2010-09-07 12:15:42
Do you mean the "Form Focus On Page Load" preferecne option is not working?
Can you be more specific about which forms are not receiving focus.
2010-09-07 12:29:56
Sorry for being vague.
I was talking about the editor, when creating content. There is a style called "Focus box", which creates a nice frame around the selected text - and a coloured background.
Out of the box ATutor 2.0 does not show this effect on the student side - they only shows while editing.
2010-09-08 11:06:35
Not sure where this style is coming from. I don't see it in any past versions. If its not there then maybe it was removed in the current version. Themes and style changed significantly in 2.0.