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Course Server replace

  • 2004-07-16 21:48:07

    Course Server replace

    "Course Server" appears In the header of pages,on the top bar of explorer and also the minimised icon on the botom bar. I think I saw this in the installation setup but I didnt understand what it was so I left it alone. I'd like to replace it now with the name ogf my site. But it's not on the lang file or anywhere else I can find.
    Thanks for a great system!


  • 2004-07-17 08:11:41

    Your Site Name

    Prior to installing ATutor , in the ATutor/install/include/ file, you can change it (line 12)

    Once installed, in the ATutor/include/ file, you can change it. It is around line 84 in version 1.4

    larry ... just another aTutor user!

  • 2004-07-17 08:49:36

    That should be include/ Change the SITE_NAME constant to the name that you want to appear.

  • 2004-07-18 06:50:53

    Thanks ... but

    Thank you very much. I found the file OK and changed it.