2004-07-15 18:35:14
Automated installer
I checked your installation documentation v carefully both install and config pages and assumed there'd be more in the readme or in the main script file when I'd downloaded it. Couldn't find much more though.
Normally when I install scripts I have to put in mysql details, script filepaths and change permission/s before anything at all can work.
Anyway I thought perhaps instead you had some preliminary GUI interface that would operate when I'd uploaded.
The only likely candidate in your instructions seemed to be ATutor/include/config.inc.php
but If I try viewing it in my ftp file handler where it is
I get
<?php /* This file is a placeholder. Do not delete. Use the automated installer. */ ?>
No instructions on what this automated installer is or where to find it <small weep>
I tried browsing to http://www.shansweb.co.uk/foresthouse/atutor/
as that seemed like the best possibility as an "auto installer"
and just in case of case sensitivity
both get 404
Happy to help with documentation later on when I understand what to do. I'm good at explaining on basic level.
love and thank you