2004-07-13 22:29:40
Maybe a foolish question
In our version of ATutor - 1.4.1 it says ACollab but I notice in the How To course (104) that it says grooups.
How does one go about change "ACollab" to appear as "Groups"
2004-07-13 22:29:40
In our version of ATutor - 1.4.1 it says ACollab but I notice in the How To course (104) that it says grooups.
How does one go about change "ACollab" to appear as "Groups"
2004-07-14 12:26:18
In the admin's language manager find the ACollab variable and chsnge its associated language to say Groups.
2004-07-14 23:48:11
As always, thanks Greg. It is amazing how easy iit is when you know where to look.