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File transfer problems

  • 2010-06-14 09:13:36

    File transfer problems


    I have 2 file transfer problems on the following setup:

    Operating system - Windows NT 6.0 (Parallels/Plesk)
    Version of ATutor - 1.6.4
    Versions of php - 5.2.13
    Version of mysql - 5.0.45-community-nt
    Webserver & version - IIS 7
    Test ATutor location-

    Patch #s applied - All suggested
    ATutor theme name - Default
    Changes to default settings - None

    Copies of error messages - see below
    Web browser being used - see below
    ...and anything else relevant - see below

    PROBLEM #1
    File transfers time out after 2 minutes (slow connections cannot upload/download moderately sized files). This has been a problem since installing ATutor; I don't think it is specifically an ATutor issue, but any pointers as to what may be at fault would be appreciated.

    The following is what I am experiencing:

    An html form upload succeeds with file sizes of 200 kB & 5 MB (80 seconds), but

    - 10 MB fails after 130 seconds ("The connection was reset" in firefox / "Connection terminated unexpectedly" in epiphany)
    - 14 MB fails after 130 seconds ("The connection was reset" in firefox / "Connection terminated unexpectedly" in epiphany)

    From ATutor,
    - 5MB succeeds (80 seconds)
    - 10MB fails at 180 seconds with a server generated error : "The page cannot be displayed because an interanal server error has occurred."
    - 14 MB fails at 220 seconds with the browser error: "The connection was reset"

    The iis/php setup is as follows:
    My ISP support report that "The IIS timeout is set at 600 seconds and the max upload size is 100MB.".
    php.ini has:
    upload_max_filesize = 128M
    post_max_size = 64M
    memory_limit = 128M
    I know these would be better with memory_limit > post_max_size > upload_max_size but the file sizes failing are nowhere near these limits.

    PROBLEM #2
    File downloads recently (a week ago) started to fail completely.

    Tested using 3 different browsers, transfers start, the file seems to download, but the browser isn't notified of the transfer progress or completion. After 2 minutes (see problem #1 above) the server times out.
    - IE8 - file is transferred but fails to complete (isn't copied from Local Apps\temp);
    - Firefox/flock - file is downloaded as a .part, but is cleaned up when transfer times out (Error message reads: "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\ could not be saved, because the source file could not be read. Try again later, or contact the server administrator."
    - Chrome - the part file is made available and is complete after the 2 minute timeout.

    Looking into this further, all downloads seem to defautl to the file type "octet-stream", and this seems to be because the php test
    [php]if (!isset($mime))[/php]
    ALWAYS returns false (!!?!)

    After this started happening, I set up a completely fresh test installation ( with all defaults, which also has this problem.

    The only other thing that may have a bearing is that I cycled the Plesk php setting from fast-cgi -> isapi -> cgi -> fast-cgi on the Friday before this happened.

    Other php applications installed on the server do not have this problem.

    Thanks in advance.

    ngs[php][/php] [php][/php]