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Send users back to content navigation page after test submission

  • 2010-05-17 15:13:19

    Send users back to content navigation page after test submission

    Is it possible when a student takes a test to send them directly to a page in the course upon submit?

    For instance, a student reads page three, follows a link to the appropriate test in Tests & Surveys, completes the test, and when done, is sent directly to page four in content navigation.

    Operating system ATutor is installed on - Linux
    ATutor version - 1.6.3
    ATutor theme name - custom based on Blumin

  • 2010-05-17 16:44:26

    Re: Send users back to content navigation page after test submission


    There is no option to allow an automatic redirect after a test is completed. You may use the 'resume' link on the top right to resume(with an right-arrow, below the logout link) back to the content that you were at.