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Remote Login

  • 2009-12-30 13:54:17

    Remote Login

    Hello -

    I looked around, but can't seem to find documentation on remote login (apart from one other thread). I un-commented / commented the lines in login.php to enable. Currently, I am passing the username / password through a form (on a different server) with the form names 'ATLogin' and 'ATPass'. On the submit, I am running the action as the login.php page.

    On a second question - I wanted to setup a script that would sync our user database to the ATutor user database using ColdFusion. (don't worry, don't need help on this). It looks like I only need to create the record in 1 table to setup a user. Is there anything else I should consider? I'm assuming there is a table to join users to enrollment?

    Thanks for all your help!


  • 2009-12-30 16:09:22

    Re: Remote Login

    View the source of the 1.6.4 login form on the demo site, then copy and adjust it as needed.

    All registration info is found in the members table. Joined with the course_enrollment to get users' courses.