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Leave Blank option in MCQs

  • 2009-11-19 01:15:44

    Leave Blank option in MCQs

    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
    Hello, I have checked the forum for these. I saw some responses, however, all of them are for version 1.5. I still try to follow them but when I open the take_take.php, there was less than 250 lines of code and the instructions said to comment lines 308-309.

    The second response was this:
    2) Next comment out the code that displays the option for "Leave Blank" from the Multiple Choice, True False and Likert sections

    case AT_TESTS_MC:
    //echo $spacer;
    //echo '<input type="radio" name="answers['.$row['question_id'].']" value="-1" id="choice_'.$row['question_id'].'_x" checked="checked" /><label for="choice_'.$row['question_id'].'_x"><em>'._AT('leave_blank').'</em></label>';


    I cant see anything like this in take_test.php

    Please help. I need to carry out an important examination in which I cannot have these leave blank options.

    Thank you.

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