2009-10-04 11:23:42
Assignment Workspace In File Storage
Is it possible for students to access "Assignments" workspace in File Storage?
I try to log in as student and hand-in File to the assignment I've created. The Assignment names "ASS01."
After I hand-in that files, the workspace name "ASS01"
is appear under "Assignments (Bold Italic)" So student
can access their hand-in files (only download)
So if it possible, are there any ways to hide these
workspace from students?
Operating system
ATutor is installed on Windows XP SP2
ATutor version 1.6.3
ATutor theme name ATutor
PHP version 5.1.6
MySQL version 5.0.24a-community-nt-log
Webserver & version Apache 2.2 (Appserv 2.5.7)