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Partial credit for multiple answer question type

  • 2009-09-25 17:42:13

    Partial credit for multiple answer question type

    Hello. I was wondering if there is currently a way to allow for partial credit when multiple answer questions are corrected automatically. Like the way it gives partial credit for ordering questions. Like this.....

    Select all answers that are true.
    A. 1 + 1 = 2
    B. 3 + 4 = 7
    C. 3 + 2 = 9

    Let's assume that this question is worth 4 pts. and the person answering it just chose "A". I would want this person to get 2/4 in both of the scenarios I described since they correctly identified one of the correct ans. choices.


  • 2009-09-26 07:01:43

    Re: Partial credit for multiple answer question type

    hia, that's the proper way to do it I believe, and we changed it on our install. have a look at:

    ..I realise we might not have released / described the code changes there, but let me know if that will solve your issue and I'll post the code to do it at

    (BTW: we also have a script to update old test results)