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FAQ clarification

  • 2009-09-02 03:00:37

    FAQ clarification

    In FAQ 4. I get "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: cache()" when I start ATutor for the first time. Why?

    You may need to create a directory that is world writable, or use an existing one (often /tmp on Unix, or C:\windows\temp on Windows), where ATutor pages can be cached. See the Configuration options for more about the cache directory. If all else fails, comment out the cache configuration line in the file to turn caching off.

    But in the file there is no cache configuration line.

    Things to describe:
    Operating system ATutor is installed on - Windows XP
    ATutor version - 1.6.3
    ATutor theme name - Default
    PHP version - 5.2.6
    MySQL version - 5.1
    Webserver & version - Apache 2.2.9
    Web browser being used - IE6 and above, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome and Safari