2004-06-04 06:39:01
Large ATutor Logo GIF
Is there anywhere where one can get ones hands upon a larger ATutor logo?
2004-06-04 06:39:01
Is there anywhere where one can get ones hands upon a larger ATutor logo?
2004-06-04 06:54:55
Not perfect I know, and perhaps not even legal but, please forgive me.
The color is a bit off, so is the lack of shadow on the AT. I will take it down when so instructed.
2004-06-04 09:46:15
Please do not use your own ATutor logo.
Try this one:
2004-06-04 16:57:42
The home-made logo is gone.
The big one you have just provided has no (r).
2004-06-04 17:07:46
You're right. Can't seem to get the regtmark in there with GIMP on my Linux system, and don't have PhotoShop handy. I'll have our graphics person whip one up on Monday.
You can still use that image in the meantime, and stick the mark beside it.