2009-05-25 09:16:15
import question that are created in AQuRate
I have created some questons using AQuRate which supports qti,i dont know how to imporrt those uestin in to atutor question database.
2009-05-25 09:16:15
I have created some questons using AQuRate which supports qti,i dont know how to imporrt those uestin in to atutor question database.
2009-05-26 08:49:55
Which version of ATutor?
2009-05-26 17:18:50
atutor version:latest 1.6.2
aqurate version:aqurate-2.18.3
2009-05-27 08:23:05
Do you know what version of QTI you are working with? You can import only QTI 1.2* tests.