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File locations

  • 2009-04-21 18:30:32

    File locations

    Hello. I've got 1.6.2 installed and I'm trying to find where the files in the File Storage are actually stored? I've looked for them everywhere in the ATutor directory, and I can't find them.

    Also, following the string in the address bar isn't helpful because "" (for example), isn't a place that exists on the site.

    Help please?


  • 2009-04-22 03:07:45

    Re: File locations?

    It is normally recommended to keep the content directory outside the public folder, and not inside the ATutor direcory.

    Look inside ATutor/include/ and find the line beginning with : define('AT_CONTENT_DIR'

    There you will see the location of your content directory.

  • 2009-04-22 06:41:15

    Re: File locations?


    eviking is right: you'll need to have a look at to find out the path to the content dir.
    Inside that directory, File Storage files are placed into file_storage directory.

    Inside [i]that[/i] directory, it will be hard to find a specific file (if that's what you want). The reason is that they are numbered sequentially and spread across ten directories. To find out which is which, you'll need to match file names with their numbers in the AT_files database table.

    [reply][b]In reply to:[/b]
    Hello. I've got 1.6.2 installed and I'm trying to find where the files in the File Storage are actually stored?...

  • 2009-04-22 11:22:44

    Re: File locations?

    Thanks for responding.

    Indie, you said that the files are spread among 10 directories. I've only got directories 6-9 in my file_storage directory. Also, the content directory is under the ATutor directory. Is any of that a problem?

    Ultimately what I'm trying to do is develop an easy way the teacher to access each student's My Files folder in order to retrieve and "hand back" assignments, rather than having to create a group for each student.

    Any ideas on that?

    Thanks again.

  • 2009-04-23 08:43:09

    Re: File locations?

    Maybe you just don't have too much files in the file storage? I'm not sure whether ATutor creates all dirs at once or one-by-one as needed.
    The content directory should preferably be outside the server's document directory for security reasons; no penalties in functionality though.

    On your change: don't forget that My Files workspace is available to a student across courses, i.e. it's not bound to any specific course, unlike other workspaces.

  • 2009-04-23 11:22:14

    Re: File locations?


    Thanks for responding.

    The fact that My Files is available across courses is not an issue for me in that a student would only be enrolled in one course at a time.

    Is there a way for a teacher to easily access students' My Files workspace?


  • 2009-04-23 12:43:49

    Re: File locations?

    There's no way to access other person's workspace currently. You'll have to change the code to do that.

    I won't estimate the complexity of the work, as that depends on what you want an instructor to be able to do there. I imagine that a change enabling him/her to just [i]see[/i] the files would be simple for a programmer.

  • 2009-04-23 16:11:05

    Re: File locations?

    Thanks again Indie.....

    Do you know of a way to disable the "My Files" section? I'm thinking about just using the groups feature and having it where I create a group for each individual student. If I did that, I wouldn't want there to be confusion between the "My Files" area and their individual group area.


  • 2009-04-25 01:32:32

    Re: File locations?

    The first step to getting correct answers is asking right questions. So what exactly do you want to accomplish?

    If you want to create an independent group for each student, you've already got that feature: just give an assignment to all students, not to specific groups, and that's it. And you'll need My Files workspace for that, because it's from there that students hand in individual assignments; you can't (and don't need to) disable My Files in that case.

  • 2009-04-25 10:54:26

    Re: File locations?

    Ok. Here's all I really want to do....

    Have a place where students can upload files, I can download them and annotate them, then re-upload them in order to "hand the assignment back". I know I can already do this w/ groups. I basically just use this functionality for turning in and handing back tests. If I was going to end up using the Assignments feature, I would want to have a way to gather all submitted assignments into one place (instead of in individual file folders), but that's not that big of a deal.

    It just seems that having a My Files area and an individualized group area is redundant and confusing because a student could upload files to either place and be unsure where to turn it in. Maybe I don't understand the whole workspace thing.

    Does that clarify what I'm after?

    Thanks again.