2009-04-01 13:09:09
Multifile uploader tool not working
Hello, I've tried to upload several files at once in the file manager using the multi-file uploader tool, but every time that I press the "browse files" button, I get no response. The button does no action.
I saw in the documentation that for this feature to work, the browser must have a flash plugin. But I checked that my browser does have the "Shockwave Flash Object" add-on installed and enabled (screenshot attached).
Should I install another form of flash plugin or is it a problem of another sort?
Thank you in advance for your assistance. By the way, my gratitude to Greg an IndieRect for your help on my previous question on math content editing. That really solved it.
Things to describe:
Operating system ATutor is installed on -
ATutor version - 1.6.2
Patch #s applied - no patches
ATutor theme name - ATutor
PHP version - 5.2.5
MySQL version - 5.0.67-community
Webserver & version - Apache 2.0.63
Copies of error messages - None
Changes to default settings - N/A
Web browser being used - IE 7.0.5730.13