2009-03-06 10:03:03
Configuring ATutor with Dyndns
Hi all,
I installed ATutor on a Linux server machine which had a public IP address. Everything was fine. Then, we needed that public IP address for something else and I had to use dyndns for ATutor server.
We have a router on the network that has a web server which is using port 80. Thus, I decided to use port 8080 for ATutor's Apache server.(I chose something like - atutorserver.selfip.net:8080) After that, I tested it and it was fine. It was a few days ago. When I checked again today, the log in page for Atutor (login.php) shows blank. I have other HTML pages outside ATutor folders and they are still accessible. I don't know what the problem is. I tried restarting Apache and it started ok. Can someone help me?
Thanks a lot.
Operating system ATutor is installed on - Kubuntu 8.10
ATutor version - 1.6.2
Patch #s applied - 13
ATutor theme name - Default
PHP version - 5.2.4
MySQL version - 5.0.51a
Webserver & version - Apache 2.2.8
Changes to default settings - none
Web browser being used - FireFox 3 and InternetExplorer 7