If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
Things to describe:
operating system -
version of ATutor - 1.6.1 Beta2
versions of php - PHP 5
version of mysq l - MySQL 5
webserver & version - Apacher 1.3.33
copies of error messages - 404 error , page not found
changes to default settings - Changed the name of the Atutor folder to Courses before upload.
web browser being used - ie explorer 7 and firefox 2
and anything else relevant -
Hi everyone
I tried installing Atutor on my webserver this morning. All the files were uploaded exactly as downloaded and unpacked. When I try to run the installation I get a 404 error, page not fo9und. The files are certainy there, I have checked!! I contacted the ISP's support (one.com) the support guy didn't know the solution, he suggested checking with the software provider for more information that I can give them to help solve any problem with the web server.
Any suggestions.