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Hi, I just installed Atutor. Everything seems to be ok except the forums.
When I press the forums after logging in as admin I get the following messages:
Warning: Illegal offset type in /home/.sequel/hakanday/rengarenk.com/ATutor/include/lib/menu_pages.php on line 310
Warning: Illegal offset type in /home/.sequel/hakanday/rengarenk.com/ATutor/include/lib/menu_pages.php on line 335
Warning: Illegal offset type in /home/.sequel/hakanday/rengarenk.com/ATutor/include/lib/menu_pages.php on line 393
Warning: Illegal offset type in /home/.sequel/hakanday/rengarenk.com/ATutor/include/lib/menu_pages.php on line 395
Warning: Illegal offset type in /home/.sequel/hakanday/rengarenk.com/ATutor/include/lib/menu_pages.php on line 398
Any help will be much appreciated...
...and anything else relevant -