2008-11-24 19:32:50
How to Make uploaded Captivate 3 Course available to students
I finally got my Captivate 3 course uploaded / imported to aTutor and received message that action was successfully completed.
However, I do not see the files in File Manager. How do I locate the uploaded course and make it available for students/learners?
I am using aTutor 1.5 and using Windows XP operating system. Siteground provides the LMS.
I look forward to your your advice.
If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
Things to describe:
Operating system ATutor is installed on -
ATutor version -
Patch #s applied -
ATutor theme name -
PHP version -
MySQL version -
Webserver & version -
Copies of error messages -
Changes to default settings -
Web browser being used -
...and anything else relevant -