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Failed to initialize storage module

  • 2008-11-17 10:40:39

    Failed to initialize storage module

    I was logged in a few days a go, I uploaded a file a txt file in file
    storage and I deleted it just to test it out. I went back and all seemed
    well. Today I went to log in and got this message:

    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open_basedir
    restriction in effect. File(/home/sketch85/tmp) is not within the allowed
    path(s): (/home/taomrh21:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in
    /home/taomrh21/public_html/ATutor/include/ on line 96

    Fatal error: session_start() [<a
    href='function.session-start'function.session-start</a]: Failed to
    initialize storage module: files (path: ) in
    /home/taomrh21/public_html/ATutor/include/ on line 96

    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.

    Things to describe:
    Operating system ATutor is installed on -
    ATutor version - Recent version as of Sept. 29, 2008
    Patch #s applied - none per advise of installer
    ATutor theme name - default installation
    Operating system - Linux
    Apache version - 2.2.8
    PERL version - 5.8.8
    PHP version - 5.2.5 with Zend Optimizer 3.3.0
    MySQL version - 4.1.22
    Changes to default settings - none unless the Atutor changed them during installation
    Web browser being used - IE 7
    ...and anything else relevant -

  • 2008-11-17 10:42:47

    Re: Failed to initialize storage module

    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
    Windows Vista OS

  • 2008-11-17 11:01:32

    Re: Failed to initialize storage module

    open_basedir is used in PHP to ensure all file operations are limited to the files under certain directory and its sub-tree.

    Check your php.ini file and see if you have included the right folders.

    File(/home/sketch85/tmp) is not within the allowed
    path(s): (/home/taomrh21:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp)

  • 2008-11-17 11:50:46

    Re: Failed to initialize storage module

    Am i looking for a file called "php.ini" ... where do I look. I see a folder called php but I have not located any such file.


  • 2008-11-17 12:06:36

    Re: Failed to initialize storage module

    Your php.ini could possibly be in /usr/local/php/etc/

    Inside that file, look for 'open_basedir =', and add


    to the end of


    so then it will be something like this:
    open_basedir = /home/taomrh21:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp:/home/sketch85/tmp

    If you do not have permission to do this, please contact your host.

  • 2008-11-17 15:25:01

    Re: Failed to initialize storage module

    I contacted my hosting provider and this is there response (below). How do I implement a work-around.

    Keep all the directories within your public html folder usually works Robin.
    It really depends a lot on the script. Whomever you purchased the script from should know the work around.
    It is a fairly common issue and most scripts should be made or have workarounds for them already.
    As I remember this is mostly solved keeping your folders within a directory that doesn't reach out of it.

  • 2008-11-17 15:57:11

    Re: Failed to initialize storage module

    What's the session.save_path in your php.ini?

    If it is '/home/sketch85/tmp', can you ask your host if there is any particular reason why it isn't '/home/taomrh21/tmp'?


  • 2008-11-17 17:10:25

    Re: Failed to initialize storage module

    Here is the hosts providers response:
    The location is standard.......... /tmp


  • 2008-11-18 11:05:05

    Re: Failed to initialize storage module

    Hello Robin,

    Judging from the fact that your system was working fine a few days ago, and you haven't changed the code from ATutor, it seems to me that it could very well be a server setting problem instead of a client application problem.

    I tried to reproduce this error on my local system but I have no problem using the open_basedir variable.

    By the error you had that is caused by the session_start(), it seems to me that ATutor is blocked off from saving a file into

    However, open_basedir only includes the following folders (notice sketch85 is not in it):

    (You may want to ask the host why are there 2 different user accounts - sketch85 and taomrh21. Normally, I would think that it should be /home/taomrh21/tmp instead of /home/sketch85/tmp, but I am not too sure how your host has set the server up...)

    At this time, ATutor doesn't have the ability to allow users to change the location of the tmp/ folder. These have to be set via the server side. ATutor by defaults, writes to the directory defined in your php.ini. Such as the
    upload_tmp_dir = "xxxxxxxxxxx"
    session.save_path = "xxxxxxxxxxx"
    So you may want to check these paths and make sure they are writable.

    I hope these helps.
