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recommend to a friend through of a mail

  • 2008-10-07 12:22:59

    recommend to a friend through of a mail

    Things to describe:
    Operating system ATutor is installed on - Windows XP
    ATutor version - 1.1

    Hi, I am developing a function where you can recommend content to a friend through of a email.

    My problem is that sometimes when I click on the link, I get an error of login or I get an error of "page cannot be found".

    Can this problem solved?

    Thanks you.

  • 2008-10-08 08:46:28

    Re: recommend to a friend through of a mail

    All pages in ATutor need to be listed in the $_pages array. Standard pages are added in include/lib/ For modules they are defined in the module.php file for that module, using $this->_pages object.

  • 2008-10-09 10:35:22

    Re: recommend to a friend through of a mail

    Thanks, but I still can not access the content from an external page.

    For example,

    In change,

    $_pages['content.php?cid=399']['title_var'] = 'Clase 1 - Introduccion al PHP';
    $_pages['content.php?cid=399']['parent'] = AT_NAV_PUBLIC;

    You can enter to content from this link?

  • 2008-10-09 10:57:40

    Re: recommend to a friend through of a mail

    I'm thinking you are on the wrong track. What I was suggesting was a link in the $_pages to a tool page that you are creating, that can send a link to another users.

    You can't link content pages into the $_page array.

    And keep in mind that if the course is anything other than a public course, links sent to other will not work if they are not logged in.

  • 2008-10-10 09:19:11

    Re: recommend to a friend through of a mail

    Precisely, we want to make a public course without login.

    Where through a link could be entering a course content

    Is this possible?

    The course is public access.

  • 2008-10-10 10:20:28

    Re: recommend to a friend through of a mail

    Yes, its possible to link directly to a content page in a public course.

    See the module developer documentation, if you haven't already

  • 2008-10-10 10:57:27

    Re: recommend to a friend through of a mail

    Maybe not understand me because my English is not good. Sorry.

    The course is of public access, however to click on a link from one external page redirects me to login.php and not the content.

    You could guide me a little bit more about this problem?

    For example,