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sessionsavepath no writeable

  • 2008-10-04 00:33:20

    sessionsavepath no writeable

    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.

    Things to describe:
    Operating system ATutor is installed on -Linux 2.4.29-1.2smp #1
    ATutor version -1.42
    Patch #s applied -
    ATutor theme name -
    PHP version -4.3.10
    MySQL version -
    Webserver & version -
    Copies of error messages -Error initializing session. Please varify that session.save_path is correctly set in your php.ini file and the directory exists.


    Warning: Unknown(): open(/tmp/php-ses/sess_7d31b5d414a6b3ce0ea900a30e7e966f, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0

    Warning: Unknown(): Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp/php-ses) in Unknown on line 0

    Changes to default settings -
    Web browser being used -
    ...and anything else relevant -
    Well, I can't access to php.ini to change the what can I do?....
    Please send me an script and tell me where I must put it . The company server, told me that I must to create an empty folder and specify this as the save_path

  • 2008-10-05 08:30:48

    Re: session.save_path ( no writeable)

    The session,svae.path is normally the system's /tmp directory, which is set in the php.ini file. The administrator of the server will need to set that.

  • 2008-10-05 09:10:08

    Re: session.save_path ( no writeable)

    You should upgrade ATutor as well. Version 1.4.2 is quite old.