
Learning Management Tools

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multiple domains pointing at the atutor

  • 2008-09-25 00:49:01

    multiple domains pointing at the atutor

    We had a request to have a personalized domain setup so that it appears our courses are provided by the company that is accessing the courses rather than our domain.

    Is it possible to have more than one domain pointing to and running the Atutor courses at the same time?

    Thanks, Gabriel

    Operating system ATutor is installed on -
    ATutor version - 1.5.2
    ATutor theme name - Criterion_Theme_1_2/
    PHP version - 4.3.9
    MySQL version - MySQL 4.1.20
    Copies of error messages -
    Web browser being used - IE and also firefox were tried

  • 2008-09-25 03:51:05

    Re: multiple domains pointing at the atutor

    that should be possible, but you will need to speak to your ISP / DNS provider for this. what you need to do is to point the customers DNS settings to your domain, and your service will be available under both domains.

    do note that the customer will not be able to use their domain for anything else if you do this! also note that Google *can* penalty this behaviour (more domains pointing to the same content), but it won't happen in this scale.

    much easier: let the customer live with the page being on your domain :)