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File Storage Privileges

  • 2008-09-20 13:41:10

    File Storage Privileges

    I would like that students could upload files to the course file storage. The only way I have found to do it is promoting them to assistants.

    The problem now is that assistants can also delete files (for example, others students files).

    How could I avoid this?


    Things to describe:
    Operating system ATutor is installed on - Linux
    ATutor version - 1.6.1

  • 2008-09-20 20:04:16

    Re: File Storage Privileges?

    Do not confuse file storage with file manager. See the handbook for details.

    You can use the File Storage utility to have students upload files. Create a group with all the students in it, and enable file storgae for the group, if you want everyone to be able to upload to the same folders.

  • 2008-09-21 05:19:00

    Re: File Storage Privileges?

    Dear greg:

    I understand that creating a group let its members upload files to the same folder,... but they can also delete files uploaded by others.

    Is there any way to avoid that files uploaded by one group member could be erased by others?

    Thanks and best regards from Madrid.

  • 2008-09-21 07:54:03

    Re: File Storage Privileges?

    What you are trying to do with the files uploaded by students.

    Except for My Files, and file submitted as assignments, students can delete files others have uploaded into a shared folder.

  • 2008-09-21 09:20:32

    Re: File Storage Privileges?

    Dear Greg:

    I am trying to find out whether ATutor is the collaborative tool I need ...

    I am thinking about a system in which several people could collaborate investigating about a matter of common interest (i.e., electronics).

    This system should, among other things, allow recollecting files and links, but as the system would be open (any soul could register and cooperate), it is important that potential malicious users will not be able of erasing the files/links proposed by other users.

    I am studying ATutor code and there are several things I like (and others that I love, like the Patcher module), but I think it lacks a more precise privileges system. I can give privileges on a per module basis, but I cannot refine the user's privileges inside that module. It is all or nothing.

    Best regards,

  • 2008-09-21 09:26:12

    Re: File Storage Privileges?

    "What you are trying to do with the files uploaded by students. "

    If I understand what you are trying to accomplish, perhaps I can offer another solution.

  • 2008-09-21 09:39:08

    Re: File Storage Privileges?

    I just want to keep a collection of files/links organized in categories that any user of the system (anonymous, registered or enrolled) can consult. Enrolled users could also comment the files/links and include new files/links (but never delete de ones included by others).

  • 2008-09-21 10:20:33

    Re: File Storage Privileges?

    I any case files loaded into a shared folder can be deleted by anyone sharing the folder.

    Is it necessary for students to be able to upload to course files? I might suggest creating a shared area where uploads can be made, then as the instructor move the files into a course directory where students can only read files. You probably don't want free access to upload anything to the course files without first screening them if you are worried about malicious users.

    As for comments, perhaps some other means might be provided to comment, such as a forum, or wiki, or blog.

    Adding a read only flag to files upload to a group space is something that could be added without a lot of trouble. This is the type of things we will do if there is demand (so far you're the first), or there is funds to pay for the work.

  • 2008-09-21 10:30:32

    Re: File Storage Privileges?

    What do you mean with "shared area"?
    Is it an FTP upload account?

  • 2008-09-21 10:33:51

    Re: File Storage Privileges?

    Shared area is a group's file storage space.

    Direct FTP is only something an administrator can do, for security reasons. And then only through an external FTP client.