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error adding question out of database to test

  • 2008-09-08 07:43:03

    error adding question out of database to test

    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.

    Things to describe:
    Operating system ATutor is installed on -Kubuntu
    ATutor version -1.6.1
    Patch #s applied -0001 -0012
    ATutor theme name -default
    Xampp fot Linux 1.6.4
    Errormessage: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '&', expecting T_VARIABLE or'$' in /opt/lampp/htdocs/ATutor/tools/tests/questions.php on line 86
    Web browser being used -Mozilla firefox

    I'm evaluating atutor for possible future trainingpurpose. I created a course and created a test. After creating a question and adding it to the question database I tried, as mentioned in the manual:

    [i] [blue] Test Questions:
    To manage the questions in a test, choose the test from the Test/Surveys Manager and then use the [red] Questions button.[/red] Questions in the Question Database can be added to your test by using the Add Questions link. Check the questions and/or categories of questions to be added to the test and use the Add to Test/Survey button."

    so when I use the [red]"QUESTION BUTTON[/red] as mentioned above I get this errormessage:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '&', expecting T_VARIABLE or'$' in /opt/lampp/htdocs/ATutor/tools/tests/questions.php on line 86.

    Did I do something wrong?
    I can't find anything about it in the forum?

    thanks in advance

  • 2008-09-08 09:15:10

    Re: error adding question out of database to test

    I'm unable to reproduce the problem. Perhaps the file was corrupted during unzipping. Try replacing it with a fresh copy.

  • 2008-09-10 09:23:14

    Re: error adding question out of database to test

    Thanks Greg for youre quick reply
    by replacing the file with a fresh copy the problem was solved (like you adviced)
    Thanks very much

  • 2008-09-11 07:16:29

    Re: error adding question out of database to test

    It seems to be a patcher error. Patch 0007 has been installed, but installing patch 0011 apparently failed.
    I guess the system uses PHP version 4.x.

  • 2008-09-11 07:26:06

    Re: error adding question out of database to test

    I meant patch 0008, not 0007.

    pvhnl, if you're still here, I'd suggest trying to install patch 0008 and then 0011. If that doesn't work again, you'll just replace the file with a fresh version once more.
    Those patches are needed for security of your installation.

  • 2008-09-12 05:01:16

    Re: error adding question out of database to test


    Thanks for your advice.
    I already installed patch 1 till 12
    but the solution Greg has given works already.
    But although thanks for your advice
