
Learning Management Tools

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how to print out a whole course

  • 2008-09-03 12:19:29

    how to print out a whole course


    I am looking for a way to print out the content of a whole course. I could go page by page, but for a large course this would take a really long time.

    Is there an easier/faster way to print out the content?



  • 2008-09-03 14:38:53

    Re: how to print out a whole course

    There isn't currently a print whole course feature. Only page by page.

  • 2008-09-03 17:37:38

    Re: how to print out a whole course

    Now that I think about it, with a little php knowledge, and reading the module developer documentation, one could probably create a module to do this without too much trouble.

    We've got a full schedule ourselves for the next while, so you might try other service providers listed on the Services page, or try yourself, to create a "print course content" module.

    In any case, post the suggestion to the Feature Requests forum, and see if others would find such a tool useful.