
Learning Management Tools

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Need help for install support

  • 2008-08-29 19:02:34

    Need help for install support

    Before I sign up for install support, I need help to know what other modules do I need in addition to the basic features that are already in atutor.

    1. Payment module, for option to pay for course
    2. I also want to be able to manage instructor courses and have a certificate specific per instructor. Which module do I need for this.
    3. Ability to group courses for a certification and have one fee for this group of courses. Is there another module for this capability?
    4. How long does it take for install>

    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.

    Things to describe:
    Operating system ATutor is installed on - Not yet installed. It will be Linux.
    ATutor version -
    Patch #s applied -
    ATutor theme name -
    PHP version -php-4.4.7
    MySQL version -5.0.41
    Webserver & version -
    Copies of error messages -
    Changes to default settings -
    Web browser being used -
    ...and anything else relevant -

  • 2008-08-30 08:59:16

    Re: Need help for install support

    1. Payment module, for option to pay for course
    [green]Done with the payments module [/green]

    2. I also want to be able to manage instructor courses and have a certificate specific per instructor. Which module do I need for this.
    [green] would require custom development, perhaps after Christmas[/green]

    3. Ability to group courses for a certification and have one fee for this group of courses. Is there another module for this capability?
    [green] would require custom development, perhaps after Christmas[/green]

    4. How long does it take for install>

    [green] it can vary depending on the experience of the person installing, and if the server has all the requirements[/green]

    [green]If you need custom development done, see the rates on the services page. The above customizations might take a week or 10 days to complete. You would need to write a detailed description of the functionality you're looking for.[/green]