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help me

  • 2004-03-25 07:49:30

    help me

    Dear sir,

    I have an instructor account with g_dileepkumar username.. when I logged in to my account the home page is appeared with the welcome course(fig.1). when I clicked the welcome course the page is opened with close menus and close global menu in the right hand side..(fig.2) when I click on the welcome course.. my local host server contents with list of folders, and files which placed in my web enabled browser is appearing (fig.3).. I couldnt able to access the welcome course.. and couldnt able to import my content package.. but fortunately I exported the welcome course on to my desktop and changed the name of the folder and zipped that one.. when I am trying to export that same zip folder the site giving the error.. that the package is not uploaded because the manifest file is missing.. why the things are happening like this with me.. whats the wrong I am repeatedly doing.. please solve my problem.. why I havent getting the welcome course view on the window..

    Fig.1 - (http://localhost/ATutor/users/index.php)

    Fig.2. http://localhost/ATutor/index.php?g=30
    Fig. 3 http://localhost/vasat/

    I am looking forward to here from you as soon as possible..


  • 2004-03-25 08:59:28

    Read the documentation

    I'm having difficulty understanding your message. Please read the documentation for instructions on importing/exporting content. Notice the difference between content packages and course backups.

    Localhost links will not work. You must provide a link to an IP address, or registered domain, if you want us to view the problem.

    Also, it is difficult for us to help if you have not provided information about the system ATutor is running on.