2008-06-15 08:24:40
help me
hi i made site http://daa-ac.ir/elearn/system/
and use atutor
but user admin techer when login and work logout and must login egain
please help me
2008-06-15 08:24:40
hi i made site http://daa-ac.ir/elearn/system/
and use atutor
but user admin techer when login and work logout and must login egain
please help me
2008-06-16 09:51:56
If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
Things to describe:
operating system -
version of ATutor -
versions of php -
version of mysq l -
webserver & version -
copies of error messages -
changes to default settings -
web browser being used -
and anything else relevant -
2008-06-16 11:31:52
If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
Things to describe:
operating system - Linux 2.6.18-53.el5
version of ATutor - 1.6
versions of php - 5.2.5
version of mysq l -5.0.45-community
webserver & version -
copies of error messages - logout in ie several time
changes to default settings -
web browser being used - ie 6
and anything else relevant -
hel pme logout user and admin in solve test and other
please help me
2008-06-16 11:43:14
If you are using IIS as your webserver, switch to Apache instead.
2008-06-16 15:16:38
hi and thanks
not i us apache 2
help me user logout and should login to do test
2008-06-16 15:25:34
Check the system's php.ini file to be sure sessions are running.
session.use_cookies = 1
Also check in ATutor include/vital.inc.php file for
@ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', '36000');
change it to 36000 if it is not already
2008-06-17 17:40:10
thanks i tink solve
@ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', '5');
and i change it
2008-07-10 13:09:25
I deleted the ATutor Database and tried to install ATUTOR 1.6.1 bu continue to get:
ATutor appears to have been installed already.
[reply][b]In reply to:[/b]
If you are using IIS as your webserver, switch to Apache instead.
2008-07-11 08:49:10
Delete the include/config.inc.php file, then create a new empty one.
[reply][b]In reply to:[/b]
I deleted the ATutor Database and tried to install ATUTOR 1.6.1 bu continue to get:
ATutor appears to have been installed already.
[reply][b]In reply to:[/b]
If you are using IIS as your webserve...[/reply]