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textarea limit to 64KB any workaround

  • 2004-03-22 12:32:49

    textarea limit to 64KB any workaround

    HI all,
    I'm using ATutor on:

    - SERVER: IIS 6.0, Windows 2003, PHP 4.3.4, MySQL 4.0.18-nt
    - CLIENT: Windows XP, IE 6.0

    I' have a problem with "textarea" limit.

    When I upload a file for inserting its content as new article, ATutor works fine and load the file in the "textarea" for edit it, but when I press "Save changes" button, the text is cutted approximately at 64KB.

    I tried many browsers, like IE 6.0, Mozilla 1.6, Firefox 0.8 and Opera 7.11, but the problem still occur.

    I read many newsgroups, in some threads I found that IE 5.0 or greater is without textarea limit, but I experienced that it is false.

    Hence, I'm unable to upload files grater than 64KB!!!

    Any solution or workaround?

    Thanks in advance, Andrea.

  • 2004-03-22 13:00:30

    RE: textarea limit to 64KB, any workaround?

    I found the solution, it isn't a browser limit but an ATutor limit.

    To solve the problem is necessary to change in the table "{prefix}_content", the column type of "text" column, from TEXT to MEDIUMTEXT or LONGTEXT.

    Bye, Andrea.