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Problem linking images

  • 2003-05-30 17:33:11

    Problem linking images

    First, ATutor rocks! ::lol::
    I have a problem linking images and all the variations to the <img src> I have tried have not produced any results. I added the content root variable, and still nothing happens.

    Where should I place the images that will be embedded in the course pages? How do I link to them?

    Thanks for your help.


  • 2003-05-30 20:48:55

    Images in ATutor content

    Use your course File Manager to upload files into your course "content directory". See the section in ATutor Howto on inserting images into content.

    And the File Manager

  • 2003-05-31 08:09:18

    File Manager

    I think I know why I have not been able to link images although I have followed all the instructions. I can't manage to open the file manager. A message says: unable to open the content directory. I have tried to play with the permisions, but still it does not work. Any ideas why my content directory cannot open?

    Thanks in advance,


  • 2003-05-31 10:17:03

    Content directory permissions

    Have you tried:
    chmod -R a+rwx content

  • 2003-05-31 10:31:57

    Content Directory Permissions Continued

    Hi Greg,

    Yes, I have changed the permissions and still the file manager is unable to open the content directory. I can create and upload txt files manually using the edit panel, though.


  • 2003-05-31 10:41:24

    Describe your system

    What OS do you have ATutor running on? which web server, php version.

    Is the OS /tmp directory accessible to the webserver?

    Is there a firewall running?

    Mail me a url to a phpinfo page on your server.