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Scorm Packages Activation in v16

  • 2008-04-14 16:19:59

    Scorm Packages Activation in v16

    Hello, I can not find where to activate the Scorm Package link under any part of the system. Please help. I want to start testing my scorm packages. Thanks.

    I am using v1.6 and in the documentation it says to use the packages link, but I have no packages link and in the forums it said to activate it under the system preferences under admin, but no such link exists. Thanks.

  • 2008-04-15 03:29:55

    Re: Scorm Packages Activation in v1.6

    hi, the SCORM module is bundled by default, but not installed and / or activated.

    log in as admin, go to modules. if you see the SCORM module in the listing there it is probably disabled. in that case, enable it.

    if you cannot see it there at all, click "install modules" and you will find it. install it, then enable it.

    after that you can activate it for the courses you like through the courses' student tools.