2008-04-11 00:15:23
Atutor Blank Installation Page
If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
Things to describe:
operating system -windows server 2003
version of ATutor -1.6
versions of php -4.5
version of mysq l -4.1.19
webserver & version -2.28
copies of error messages -
changes to default settings -
web browser being used -IE 6
and anything else relevant -
After installing Apache, MySQL, and PHP, I tested Apache and got the "it works" page. I then extracted Atutor into the Apache htdocs folder. When I try to install Atutor, I get a blank page after the database setup. The database setup is as follows: Database name - localhost; database port - 3306; database username - root; database password - left it blank; database name - atutor; table - AT_.
What am I doing wrong so that I cannot advance to the next setup page?
Please help!!!!!!
ob evans