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Links to Tests

  • 2008-01-25 07:33:42

    Links to Tests

    I setup a test in a course and though it appears (in an extremely small font... and I'm also interested in knowing how to change the size of this link) on the initial screen with the course icon, the link does NOT APPEAR at the side.
    This seems odd. Am I doing something incorrectly?

    Something related:
    I logged in as the student, copied the link to the test from where it appears and logged into the Instructor announcements area for that course and pasted the link.
    The link appears in the announcements area but leads to nowhere (page not found) from both the instructors login as well as the student's login.

    Can anyone help? Thanks!

    Things to describe:
    operating system -linux
    version of ATutor -1.5.5
    versions of php -4+
    version of mysq l -4+

  • 2008-01-25 07:47:03

    Re: Links to Tests

    Could you list the steps you took with the exact error messages? Attaching screenshot(s) for the first issue could also be a plus.
    Don't forget to provide as much info as you can.

  • 2008-01-25 10:19:36

    Re: Links to Tests

    I guess first I have to reproduce the steps myself :)
    Will do that plus add the shots but for now for clarification, I was able to setup a quiz, preview it in the teachers section and even take it as a student . Only that the link does not appear in the Content Navigation menu at the right .
    Question: I would asssume it normally does appear there. Does it?

    As to the other question, I guess will need to replicate that too but again for clarification, the URL was getting a folder name added. Maybe you can throw light even with little info

  • 2008-01-25 10:23:21

    Re: Links to Tests

    I was also wondering how one could at least increase the font size of the text next to the course icon . The text which says "category: blah" "Instructor: abc" sendmessage etc

  • 2008-01-26 06:39:28

    Re: Links to Tests

    Tests do not appear in Content Navigation. What makes you think they should?

    About the URL -- the situation didn't become much more clear, sorry. You've got to go into detail.

    The font size is so small because it is surrounded by < small > tags (see the HTML source). Delete them -- and that's done. You'll find the corresponding code in themes/default/users/index.tmpl.php .