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Remove all mention of Export Content Glossary and Groups

  • 2008-01-23 16:52:40

    Remove all mention of Export Content Glossary and Groups

    Thanks for the help in the other threads!
    I'm using ver 1.5.5 on linux.
    1)I know it is possible for an instructor to turn these off but I needed to remove all mention of these from even the Instructors' interface.No checkbox and no accompanying text saying "glossary" etc.
    I do not think this is possible from within Admin. But where and how(in which php file) could one modify or comment out the code for this?
    2)is it not possible for an instructor to email all students in a course? This would be odd but it seems so.
    3)Whne the side menus are turned off from admin, the old menus continue to appear. Is it that turning off only becomes applicable to courses created AFTER the disabling?

    thanks so much!

  • 2008-01-24 02:31:53

    Re: Remove all mention of Export Content, Glossary and Groups

    need input on (1) above specially. Can anyone help? would appreciate it v. much!

  • 2008-01-24 03:37:50

    Re: Remove all mention of Export Content, Glossary and Groups

    1. haven't tried it much myself, but this should work: log in as admin -> modules -> choose module -> disable.

    2. you can, manage -> course e-mail -> to enrolled. will send mail to all enrolled users (students + assistants). personally I belive this needs to be adjusted:

    3. dont' really understand what you mean here :)

  • 2008-01-24 04:01:34

    Re: Remove all mention of Export Content, Glossary and Groups

    about (1), I really think it will have to be done through the php files somewhere because there are no modules for the three features I listed (Groups, Gloassary, Export Content). These seem to be "built-in"

    Will try (2) and I guess will have to explain (3) a bit better :)

  • 2008-01-24 05:45:38

    Re: Remove all mention of Export Content, Glossary and Groups

    About #1.

    These modules are the core modules, and as such cannot be disabled. You can only view them at admin's Module tab by checking "Core" checkbox.

    I believe they can be disabled by commenting out relevant code in mods/_core/[module name]/module.php .

    The code that needs to be commented out is the block containing assignments as following (these lines are from Groups):
    $this->_pages['tools/groups/index.php']['title_var'] = 'groups';
    $this->_pages['tools/groups/index.php']['parent'] = 'tools/index.php';
    $this->_pages['tools/groups/index.php']['children'] = array('tools/groups/create.php');
    $this->_pages['tools/groups/index.php']['guide'] = 'instructor/?p=groups.php';

    $this->_pages['tools/groups/edit_group.php']['title_var'] = 'edit';
    $this->_pages['tools/groups/edit_group.php']['parent'] = 'tools/groups/index.php';

    /* etc. etc. */

    ATutor should automatically deny access to pages that are not listed in that structure. But nevertheless, test before using at a production environment.

  • 2008-01-24 06:22:38

    Re: Remove all mention of Export Content, Glossary and Groups

    can't thank you enough, IndieRect!
    and thanks for pointing out the email thing,vegard!