2008-01-21 22:59:51
Sorry Session cookies must be enabled in your browser to login again
operating system - Debian
version of ATutor - 1.5.5 and 1.6 RC1
versions of php - 4.4.7
version of mysq l - 5.0.45
webserver & version - Apache
copies of error messages - Session cookies must be enabled in your browser to login.
changes to default settings - none
web browser being used - Firefox 2.*, IE 7
I am new to ATutor. I have read about the "Session cookies must be enabled in your browser to login." error, but I am not sure that I understand what to do about if I am using a *hosted* account. I have a few other CMS's installed in the same hosting account too, so I don't want to do anything that will cause the other software (CMS Made Simple, Wordpress, e107) to stop working.
Looking forward to your reply.