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maximum allowable size limit of 2M

  • 2007-10-29 11:50:04

    maximum allowable size limit of 2M

    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.

    Things to describe:
    operating system -Linux
    version of ATutor -1.5.5
    versions of php -4.4.7
    version of mysq l -5.0.27
    webserver & version -1.3.37 (Unix)
    copies of error messages -

    The following errors occurred:
    * The file exceeded the maximum allowable size limit of 2M.

    changes to default settings - Edit
    -- max_file_size to 20097152
    -- max_course_size to 20097152
    -- max_course_float to 20097152
    web browser being used - IE7, FIREFOX
    and anything else relevant - Modified php.ini --upload_max_filesize = 20M
    --post_max_size = 20M

    Tried resolving this myself, but no luck.
    Please help

    Thanks Thomas0012

  • 2007-10-29 12:04:18

    Re: maximum allowable size limit of 2M

    Try this: