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ATutor Installation fails

  • 2007-09-19 09:21:04

    ATutor Installation fails


    I'm trying to install Atutor an get the following Message at step 5 during installation:
    ../include/ is writeable.

    include/ cannot be written! Please verify that the file exists and is writeable. On Unix issue the command chmod a+rw include/ to make the file writeable. On Windows edit the file's properties ensuring that the Read-only attribute is not checked and that Everyone access permissions are given to that file.

    I checked the rights for the folder content and 'everybody' has modify permissions. But there's no

    Thanks for the help.

    operating system - W2K3
    version of ATutor - 1.55
    versions of php - 4.4.1
    version of mysq l - Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.21
    webserver & version - IIS 6.0 SP2
    web browser being used - IE 6.0 SP2

  • 2007-09-21 15:08:18

    Re: ATutor Installation fails


    I am sorry that I don't have a IIS system to reproduce the problem.

    If you can't find the "include/", simply create it under include/.

    ps. If possible, use apache server so you can avoid all these problems.