2007-09-18 09:39:40
Course Search Box not needed with lt10 courses
If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
Things to describe:
operating system - Windows NT 5.2 / windows 2003
version of ATutor - 1.5.5
versions of php - 5.2.4
version of mysq l - 5.0.45-community-nt
webserver & version - IIS
changes to default settings - Master Student List, little else
web browser being used - Firefox & IE
Is there an option to remove the default
"Results Found: 1
Public Protected Private All
Search (Title, Description)"
Course search box? We have very few courses and don't need it to be the first thing our students see.
If this can be accomplished in PHP that's fine... I'm not sure if it is safe to remove the code.