2007-09-12 16:26:38
Field preferences doesnt have a default valueDB Error
We get this error when attempting to create a class (using either an Instructor or the Admin account):
"Field 'preferences' doesn't have a default valueDB Error"
operating system - Windows 2003 / Windows NT 5.2
version of ATutor - 1.5.5
versions of php - 1.5.5
version of mysq l - 5.0.45-community-nt
webserver & version - IIS
copies of error messages - Field 'preferences' doesn't have a default valueDB Error
changes to default settings - disabled modules: blogs, chat, directory, file storage, forums, reading list, syndicated feeds, TILE & Web search.
web browser being used - Firefox 2 and IE 6
and anything else relevant - Server is not running any other software; it is brand new and dedicated.