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admin login etc

  • 2007-08-30 16:11:31

    admin login etc

    I installed most recent version 1.5.5
    to windows server
    php 4.
    mySql 4.0 +
    both firefox/ie

    The install seemed incomplete. It went through all the steps, except "anonymous usage" and done. I got blank at anonymous usage. I can log in (admin privilages set at 1). The other user I created is not in admin table???

    When I log-in as admin I get message that log-in is successful, but I see only what appears to be a user screen. I don't get any info on admin controls.

    I've set php.ini _global to off (server was on) but no differences here. Please advise on next steps.

    located at (test site)

  • 2007-08-30 17:06:37

    Re: admin login etc.

    During installation you should have created two users, an admin and an instructor.

    I'm unable to reproduce it the blank screen.

    See the system requirements to be sure yours will support ATutor.

  • 2007-08-31 12:39:07

    Re: admin login etc.

    Yes it meets all requirements. I am attempting to install a new version again --- I am unable to delete old files off of the server so I am installing in a new path.

    I went through the install process in setting up both users but for some reason the 2nd user never got loaded into db while the first did. I will post the results of the reinstallation.

  • 2007-08-31 15:34:37

    Re: admin login etc.

    I am having other installation problems after I uninstall and reinstall. I tried now on two servers, both meet the minimum requirements.

    on windows server, I get blank page after installation of db.

    on linux server, I get sent back to a loop (back to agreement) after db is installed.

    Any suggestions?

  • 2007-08-31 17:22:52

    Re: admin login etc.

    You could also try using something like phpMyAdmin to manually add the admin user to the admins table if you have access to mysql.

    Can you provide the correct details for your system? The exact webserver, php, mysql, and their versions, in particular. Were they installed as a bundle, or separately.

    It may also be that the include/ file is not being generated properly. See if the file exists and has settings written to it.

    Try move the old content, and ask your service provider to delete it, then install ATutor where it used to be.

  • 2007-08-31 17:55:46

    Re: admin login etc.

    I was able to go all the way through -- had errors with content directory but I didn't get error message just the blank screen. I have admin and instructor. But, now, I just get circular log-in (successful log in but it doesn't take me to admin) which is where I started.

    I am working on getting host to update php.ini to meet configuration:

    register_argc_argv = Off
    zlib.output_compression = On

    All the other settings appear correct.

    PHP 4.4.1
    mySQL 4.1.20
    I don't know details of server but it is Windows Server and whether bundled (shared hosting environment)

    Specific server settings are written to

    Any help would be appreciated

  • 2007-09-01 01:14:47

    Re: admin login etc.

    All the new configurations are in place. I still can't get past the login.

    I just get the same log-in screen (regardless of which log-in is used). And of course, since nothing is set up, I can't go anywhere.

    How do I get the admin menu?

    Thanks, again.

  • 2007-09-01 08:13:33

    Re: admin login etc.

    Be sure sessions are enabled.

    If its IIS web server, then that is likely the problem. I'd suggest finding a provider that uses Apache.

  • 2007-09-01 22:44:21

    Re: admin login etc.

    Yes! That was it (plus some old files on the server that were incompatible. Thanks for your help.