
Learning Management Tools

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bulk changing of default value of questions

  • 2007-08-29 17:23:48

    bulk changing of default value of questions

    Currently, when adding questions to a test/survey, they have a default value of "0", which means that for them to have any value at all, we must indicate that value.

    I currently have a data bank of 500+ multiple choice questions and i want to set up a "practice quiz" which will randomly pull 30 questions (from the 500) - with results posted upon submission (it's only for practice).

    currently all 500+ questions have that default value of zero - is there a fast way of modifying this, or do I really have to make 500+ modifications? (if this is the case, then might I suggest a feature enhancement?)

  • 2007-08-30 07:43:25

    Re: bulk changing of default value of questions

    Only one by one.