2007-08-17 03:15:19
moodle and atotor
I want to choose on of moodle and atutor, but I really dont know which I should use. I couldnt install moodle on my website, but atutor had a friendly installer (expect that I had to make a database my self and installer couldnt do that it self). So I tried to find their compares. I find one here: http://www.edutools.info/item_list.jsp?pj=4 . I want you to tell me which should I use because they are very similar according that link.
It will be a very good future for atutor to have the option of making question topics in forum. Which the student see just the teachers post before sending his/her answer and after sending the answer he/she would be able to see the others answers and read them. Like which is in moodle.
I want the developers to see compare moodle 1.8 and atutor 1.5.4 in that site and see the results.