2007-05-24 06:31:03
Side Menu Gone in Upgraded Version
I just updated to the latest version (1.5.4), and initially had a problem with a $_stacks argument on line 208 in /includes/header.inc.php which the error message said was not an array. I went to the code and changed it to [php](array)$_stacks[/php] and that made the error message go away.
However, I still have no side menu in my courses. I can advance through course content with the arrow icon, but cannot see the outline of the course, nor any modules on the right side. (Frankly, I wish I knew how to move the menu to the left side, but that's another issue.)
In addition, when I login using my former admin username, I have access only to basic system preferences, error logging and cron-setup...nothing else, including no courses. Is there a default admin login for new installs that I should be using.
I'm glad that I don't seem to have lost my content, but I have lost most functionality. What can I tell you that would help you puzzle this out?
Scott Ott