2007-03-27 11:52:25
on creating a content directory
Hi, I am trying to install ATutor on boudewijn79.awardspace.com, but during the installation I am prompted: your webserver does not support the protected content directory feature. Due to this restriction my content directory must exist within my ATutor installation directory and cannot be moved.
As a result I cannot change the path as specified by the installation process (/content).
However, exactly where am I to create this content folder? I created it on the top level, within the install folder and within several other folders (with permissions set to 777 of course), but I keep getting an error message saying that the content folder does not exist.
Things to describe:
operating system - Windows XP home
version of ATutor - latest 5.3.3
versions of php -
version of mysq l -
webserver & version -
copies of error messages -
changes to default settings -
web browser being used - MIE
and anything else relevant -